The 2 Best Shoes To Wear With a Walking Boot

In situations where you have just been operated on your feet and you have walking cast or walker boot. Your fit leg will seem to be lower than the other one. Walking on such an unbalanced limb level would expose you to complications like back pains and strained gait

Other times the injuries are at the upper parts of the leg not necessarily the feet, for example, the joints or the ankle. This means a bandage or flusters will extend up to the feet. You will, therefore, need to walk with your ailing leg raised and the fit one doing the walking with the support of crutches or walking sticks. This is to mean that most of the pressure and weight will be on the single foot. 

Such situations require one to have a mechanism to keep the two feet in balance. Some people add padding to align the body with the limb height. Others prefer temporally fit-on to the normal walking shoe to achieve the balance. These temporary fittings on the shoe are called the walking shoes on walking boots.

In this Article, we shall review the best walking shoes on walking boots in the market.

  1. ProCare EvenUp Shoe Balancer and
  2. Ergoactives Level-Up Shoe Balancer
  3. Sportuli Shoe Balancer  Lift for Cam Boot

Best Shoe To Wear With a Walking Boot

1. ProCare EvenUp Shoe Balancer, Medium

ProCare EvenUp Shoe Balancer,

One of the reasons why you would want to be on a walking shoe on top of your normal walking boots is to help reduce the pressure exerted on your shorter limb. This is due to all the body weight being lowered on it. This may lead to pains and strains.

The Shoebaum Aircam Walker is fitted with efficient shock absorber soles. These are for reducing the amount of pressure on the feet. The sole is also lined with Ergoactives height balancers to level your limbs up. This level balance ensures that the body weight is distributed evenly on both limbs.

At times, the ailing feet may not be stepping on the ground. It will always be raised with the other limbs doing the walking with the support of clutches. This means more pressure will be exerted on the lower feet by the surface and therefore the need for cushioning.

The level-up feature usually comes in just one size. That is to mean, if the user finds the level-up bigger than their shoe sizes, they will need to customize its size. This is to ensure that the normal walking shoe doesn't keep on running off the supporting Walker.

Another key structural design of Shoebaum Aircam walker is the Velcro straps. Users of different shoe sizes, smaller than the level-up, can customize the fit by adjusting the straps. The straps are customizable for use by individuals with shoe sizes from 9- 13.


  • They are fitted with Velcro straps for customizing the fit
  • They have shock absorbers to reduce the amount of pressure on the feet
  • They have level-ups to ensure a level balance of the two limbs.
  • They are easy to walk on and easy to fix


  • The fact that the level-ups come in single size means that users with bigger feet sizes will need to customize it with straps. A customized fit on the level-up to match the size of the shoe may create discomfort while walking on them. It is different from a natural fitting level-up. However, when the straps are done well, they are good as natural fitting level-ups.

2. Shoebaum Medium Air Cam Walker-with adjustable straps for level-ups

Shoebaum Medium Air Cam Walker + Level-Up Combo

ProCare EvenUp Shoe Balancer is a unisex walking shoe on walking boots. Unlike the Shoe Baum Aircam walker which supports shoe size of between 9-15', ProCare Even UP Shoe Balancer support sizes 8.5-10.5 for men and 9-11 for women.

The basic technique used to identify the best size of Even Up, when using this walker, is the sole of the shoe. That means, if the sole is size 9 then so should be the even up. This makes it easy to identify the best fitting and convenient one for your normal walking shoe.

Given that it supports different sizes, one may want to know how one ensure that it fits on the walking shoe. You are provided with an option for using one or two layers.  If you are using the two layers, the even up can add up to Âľ the height to allow for fit customization. With one layer, it only adds a half of the height for the same.

Another aspect that makes this shoe very common is its universal fit. This means that it can be used for either of the left or right foot. You can, therefore, change it on the limbs depending on which foot is lower than the other.

Other than the adjustable heights, ProCare EvenUp Shoe Balancer has rubber Velcro straps for adjusting the EvenUps.  You are able to adjust the fit to your convenient level.


To ensure that you constantly have a good fit of the Even-Ups, you should at least have them a little smaller than having them bigger when putting the shoe on.


  • It is very convenient to walk on and easy to use
  • Able to add height for aligning your body with the limb height. This reduces strain and the resultant pains.
  • Has rubber Velcro straps to adjust the fit of the shoe.
  • Comes in universal fit hence can be used for both left or right feet


  • Though it may allow you to walk freely and conveniently, it may not match very well with other outfits. However, it is for orthopedic related issues correction and hence understandable.

What is a walking shoes to wear with a walking boots?

These are shoes that are designed to ensure you get a levelled limb walking. They also help reduce compressions on your feet. When you have one leg lower than the other a lot of pressure is exerted on the lower limb. This may lead to pains and strains at the feet balls and palms.

They are therefore worn together with normal walking shoes in order to reduce the amount of pressure that is placed on your feet by the surface.

Though most of them are worn to allow the other ailing feet heal and recover effectively, one can always wear them in case they experience any forms of limb imbalances. 

Why wear a walking shoe with a walking boot?

You may ask yourself why you need another walking shoe while you have a walking boot on. It might even appear ridiculous. But consider some of the following instances.

In case you are recovering from a feet surgery and you are walking on your ordinary pair of walking boots, would you still walk comfortably? Of course not. There will be one limb that will be lower than the other. This would strain your walking and entire recovery of your other leg.

If you suffer from the legs height imbalance, you might need to wear an extra shoe on the shorter leg. Some people will consider inserting some padding to the length of one sole while others will consider wearing an additional walking shoe on top of the walking boots. This is to prevent a lot of pressure and body weight resting on only one limb. Such a situation would lead to pains and strained movement.

When recovering from other surgeries like the back of the body, some people will encounter a lot of pain when walking on poorly balanced shoe heel heights. This is due to their body being bent toward the ailing side. This would make one limb to be on a higher level than the other. Such a situation may not be corrected by a surgical boot but a shoe balancer for walking boots.

How does shoe balancer for a walking boot help?

They give a temporally lift to the low shoe heel causing the imbalance. Most of them are easily transferable from one shoe to another on a need basis. This makes them easy to use than buying a new shoe or modifying your original walking boot.

Others have cushioned inserts to add on the shorter limb. This is so that your feet will be raised to a comfortable walking level.

They give the pelvis part a level balance to reduce any chances of back pains as a result of heights imbalances. 

They reduce the contra-lateral pressures which emanate from limbs lengths that are created by boots. This would be frustrating for athletes or walkers.  When one is on them, the pressure exerted on the feet is lower than that of when walking on bare feet or ordinary shoes.

Factors to consider:

The material used to make the shoe. An elastic and durable material is better. This is to ensure easy fixing on the walking shoe and giving long-lasting utility.

Nature of the shoe:  An open walking shoe on walking boots would be appropriate. This is to ensure the normal shoe is fixed into it with no much strain. You wouldn't want one that covers the entire normal walking shoe.

The cost: You would want to invest on that which is economical yet gives you utility

Availability: The type of shoe you would want to invest on should be accessible when you need it. That means you should be able to get it soonest in order.

Convenience: a good walking shoe on a walking boot should give you ease while walking. It should also be easy to use and allow natural feet movement without compromising the recovery of the other ailing feet.


If you want to correct ailing feet, you don't have to harm the other. This could be due to exposing it to excessive pressure and straining. You, therefore, need to maintain a level body alignment with the limbs. We have reviewed a few of the best walking shoes on walking boots that can help you on this.

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